Not exactly as I had imagined it would be. Seems I`m to be stuck in the hospital suspended in a perpetual state of false labour for the time being.
This started on Saturday with Braxton Hicks Contractions and hasn`t stopped since. Finally by Tuesday afternoon I admitted to myself that it was probably time to have this all checked out. The staff brought me in, hooked me up and we watched while I had contractions. I was scheduled for a morning ultrasound for the next day.
I should point out right away that the girls are wonderful. They both weigh 4lb 12oz. Baby B still has a fair bit of fluid around her and this is probably contributing to this condition which they call "Irritable Uterus". On the down side, my cervix has begun to shorten and I am 30 % effaced. The cervix has softened. And I'm still having contractions.
So here I am on complete bed rest at St. Francois D'Assise if anyone is looking for me. :) I don't know precisely how long I'll be in here so if you are so inclined, send a little positive energy or a prayer our way that all this settles down and I can go home with all my buns in the oven 'cause Lord knows there's no such thing as rest in a hospital!