Not exactly as I had imagined it would be. Seems I`m to be stuck in the hospital suspended in a perpetual state of false labour for the time being.
This started on Saturday with Braxton Hicks Contractions and hasn`t stopped since. Finally by Tuesday afternoon I admitted to myself that it was probably time to have this all checked out. The staff brought me in, hooked me up and we watched while I had contractions. I was scheduled for a morning ultrasound for the next day.
I should point out right away that the girls are wonderful. They both weigh 4lb 12oz. Baby B still has a fair bit of fluid around her and this is probably contributing to this condition which they call "Irritable Uterus". On the down side, my cervix has begun to shorten and I am 30 % effaced. The cervix has softened. And I'm still having contractions.
So here I am on complete bed rest at St. Francois D'Assise if anyone is looking for me. :) I don't know precisely how long I'll be in here so if you are so inclined, send a little positive energy or a prayer our way that all this settles down and I can go home with all my buns in the oven 'cause Lord knows there's no such thing as rest in a hospital!
Sorry tari I had no idea what a blog was and no idea that I could just click on it. I had checked your page on Friday morning. Take care and know that I am thinking of you all the time.Please take care and rest.
love to you and Ivan.I am waiting patiently for any new news. One of these days I will catch on to all this computer stuff. love you
Tari! I love your blog - I just found it today when I went into your website for updates. I thought you may be on the net while on bed rest ;-)
God love you and those precious little babes! We are thinking of you and most definitely sending positive vibes your way! BIG HUGS to you and Ivan!
Lots of love,
Tanya, Michel, Luc and Claire
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