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Hello everyone! I suppose it's time to sit down and reflect on the last two weeks, isn't it? I've probably been avoiding it a bit, since they've been bitter-sweet, really. I'll start off by saying that everyone is absolutely fine with everything, really. And maybe that's what makes it a bit bitter? Maybe I expected more upset, more upheaval. But we're just successfully enjoying a different kind of reality these days.
Alexis and Mathilde are fitting into their day-care situation with absolute ease. They are off and exploring from the second they're in the door. Upon pick-up, we always find them engaged in some sort of play and in very good spirits. But it's sometimes a bit emotional when they see us and realize that they've missed us. We can get a few tears, but nothing over the top. Ivan and I drop them off and pick them up together and Mathilde always heads directly for her Papa. So sweet.
This past week was even better than the first. Once the girls got used to their routine and became able to predict what came next, they really started enjoying themselves. It's fun to see Mathilde watch the bigger kids thundering around and try to join in! Alexis is very content to play with stuffed animals and do her finger painting. She always goes down happily for her naps and is the first to line up to be placed in her high chair for lunch or snacks. Mathilde is the Ham that she is at home and loves to make little faces. She scrunches up her nose and squints her eyes and smiles at you from her knees. She is quite content still to view the world from knee level. She can pull herself up and even stand on her own, but she prefers not to! Alexis on the other hand, can often be found standing up with a toy in her hand with no indication of how she got there in the first place. Perhaps she used Mathilde to get up, then Tilly crawled away leaving her sister standing there? You have to watch to find out!
But it's sad to know that the bulk of their day is spent with someone else. I could explore that more in depth, but just know that I'll always harbour the guilt associated with that fact. Enough said.
Mathilde celebrated the arrival of her 5th tooth today. On top of her crusty, stuffy nose, she's been teething as well! We kept her home on Thursday and with tons of cuddles, love and sleep, she was back in action the following day. I'm pretty sure that Lexi's already gone through her version of this cold, but Ivan just got it yesterday and mine has shown itself in a completely different way. It's hard to say. I really hope she doesn't come down with the same symptoms as Mathilde. We have to get them vaccinated again this week and it's better if they're not sick. Especially since they had a reaction to the last dose (high fever). I know I shouldn't say this, but they're so sweet when they're sick! I wouldn't want them to be sick very often, but when they are, the cuddles are the best in the world.
So that's all the news from this Lightwood house. We're looking forward to our trip to Thunder Bay in December. It seems like it's just around the corner! We won't be decorating for Christmas until the 13th so as not to interfere with Lexi and Tilly's birthday celebration. And no tree again this year. Next year though, look out! Don't tell Ivan, but I've been playing Christmas Carols for the past week.
Just a quick note before I return to work tomorrow. I won't go on and on about how sad I am because it won't help me or the girls. Let's just say I'm sad and leave it at that, shall we?
What I do want to talk about is the fabulous milestone that both girls reached today. Alexis actually stood up yesterday on her own by scaling the patio window, but today we found her in all sorts of different places standing up. She stood up in the play yard and unfortunately for her, she found out how to stand up in her crib. Unfortunately because she doesn't yet know how to sit back down and she was stranded in her new-found favourite position! I was so happy to see her do this before I went back to work because I really wanted to be present for it. I was a little sad that I would miss Mathilde's big standing debut, but then Ivan and I found her standing in the play yard too! Talk about monkey see, monkey do! Hopefully they will wait until Christmas to do their walking, preferably after the flight home from Thunder Bay.
Also, Miss Alexis has another pearly white tooth, bringing her to 5. I'll bet that she'll have the next one through by the time I get to writing another entry.
So, I said it would be quick. I've a few more things to put together before I head off to bed. I'll have lots to talk about next time, I'm sure. Have a great week everybody.
I had planned to write about this flu pandemic (Swine, H1N1, call it what you like). I wanted to have on record for the girls an account of what was going on around them at such an important time in their lives. They are starting day-care in a week during the weirdest time I've ever experienced in my 35 years. And it is weird. It's been stunning to listen to the news everyday, listen to them bungle around reporting about a fear so extensive; a fear that is largely perpetuated by the media itself. And as a new parent, I'm (we're) caught right in the middle of it. There is nothing as powerful as Mama Guilt, nothing can send a mother's brain into a maelstrom of what-ifs faster than a gamble with their kids' health. If I don't get the vaccine, I could harm my children. If I do get this potentially insufficiently untested vaccine, I could harm them. If I have to wait in line to get this vaccine, I could expose them to the virus. If I don't wait in the line, I could leave them unprotected. I'm sick of feeling sick about it. One day, I'm told they need two doses. The next day I'm told they only need one. If I don't keep my ear to the radio/Health Canada/WHO sites I might miss some vitally important information. While I am keeping my ears and eyes open, I'm subjected to images of huge line ups and panicked Canadians. As I write this I can barely make out the news on CBC Radio in the other room. I just picked out the words fear, terror and vaccination. Damn the media. Anyway, we will try to get the girls vaccinated as the clinics prepare for the Gullies group tomorrow afternoon. Ivan and I got in at work.
Anyway, enough about that. The girls are wonderful, as usual! So bright and happy and active. They are learning about their world now at a lightening pace. Each day they show us something new that they have absorbed. Mathilde is clapping, both girls adore giving a high-five. They understand many of our directions. If I say, Mathilde, where is your sister? She will look for her. They love walking around assisted by us and of course, standing. They still haven't figured out how to get up into that standing position, but I don't think that's any cause for concern.
They love to play peek-a-boo with each other. It is so fun for them when their sister appears around the corner, or peeks at them from around a chair leg. They look for objects when they roll away, or under a chair. Both girls adore playing in the baking cupboard that I've set aside for them. They love to bounce the metal bowls off the ceramic tiles. It makes such a tremendous sound!
We got a digital scale so we could weigh them at home. Alexis is 18.4lbs and Mathilde is 19lbs. We picked up their new Big Kid car seats yesterday. It's really and truly amazing to me how fast the time has gone this year. I was told that it would be so, and I vowed to pay attention and not let the time get away from me. But I guess I did anyway. I do grieve the loss of their littleness, but I excitedly embrace the adventures that await us.
Well, that's it for now. I've got a thousand things to do to get myself ready for work, and to get the girls ready for the sitter. We would all like to wish my Mom, JoAnn a very happy birthday tomorrow. Sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you. Have a wonderful day all the same.