Seriously, though, everything looks fine for now. I'm not showing any movement towards getting ready to deliver. Even the contractions that landed me in the hospital in the first place are just one of those things to put up with. My cervix is still locked up tight as a drum, and Baby A's head is still high. Unfortunately, it's looking very seriously like the girls will be delivered by C-section. Here's the plan:
1. I will have a final Ultrasound next Thursday which will show us the position of Baby B. She's the one in the transverse position (lying straight across my belly from right to left). Baby A is in a good position, but Baby B's shoulder position makes it unlikely that she will "fall" neatly into place once A is delivered. Because they are SO big, the option of just reaching up and pulling her out by her feet is unlikely. It's too risky; and
2. I will have another appointment with my OBGYN on the 2nd of December to make our final decision. At this time, I'll be 37 weeks. We'll book our date for the C-section (or induction if things take a "turn" for the better) around the 38 week mark.
Of course, I could just go into labour, but it doesn't look likely at this point. I'm healthy, hardly any swelling, normal blood pressure and weight gain. The girls are swimming around, gaining weight and developing as they should. We can't ask for more than that. I will take this opportunity to complain a little bit. I'm having some pelvic pain, and it's really hard to turn over in bed. And let's face it; I'm HEAVY! It's a lot of weight to lug around in the front. If I could just get them to move around to my back.....
Ivan's folks are here helping out. Ivan's still as busy as can be these days. He's handling the deluge of pregnancy hormones quite well. And I promise you, these are emotional times! Sometimes I wonder if my sanity has not flown completely out the window. I know it's time to stop watching a Baby Story. I liken it to the weird obsession I had with reading nautical disaster books while at sea. No good can come from watching other women going through labour or being sliced open while their husbands sit useless and helpless at their heads. This is one area where perhaps I could have used the mystique. But still I watch. It's a sickness, I know.
Well that's all from Tari's bed for this week. No news is good news in this case, so you should not hear more until next Thursday. I wish you all the best, and if anybody has some spare time, I could use a Christmas decorator.
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