Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! As Ivan pointed out (because it is his way to do so), Mother's Day was (probably) invented to add another day to Hallmark's list of days for which to sell cards. Even so, I am able to write today because my loving husband seems to think that I deserve a break from my full-time job of mothering. I am, at 10:45 am, sitting in bed, after having had my breakfast of choice in my bed, with no children (that I'm aware of?). It is BLISS.
It is weird too. I spend probably 5 minutes in total of every day wishing for a few moments to myself before I scold myself for having such depraved thoughts. Now that I have those moments, I find myself looking for excuses to steal downstairs to kiss one of my girls. I haven't yet, because my husband has given me a gift. And I'm going to enjoy it. That and every 30 minutes a baby seems to appear looking for attention anyway. Like, right at this moment I'm in bed. But I'm no longer alone. River is at my feet, Ivan is beside me with Mathilde and Alexis is in the next room napping. I am learning that a big part of being a Mom is never being alone. I can find comfort in that.
It is both exhausting and wonderful to know that I am so fully needed. Every creature in the household is dependent on me for some facet of its existence. River-dog needs to be fed, walked and indeed even cuddled. The Gullies need me for absolutely everything, and even my husband relies on me for clean clothes, and the occasional kick in the butt out of bed in the morning to get him to work on time. Some days I scream inside my head "Oh, everyone leave me alone, just for a little bit!". But when it actually happens I think "Where is everyone, and why don't they need me?"
So what am I going to do with the rest of my alone time? I think I'll revisit my beloved hobby. I'm going to knit. I'm going to knit, and I'm going to nurse, and I'm going to cuddle visiting creatures and I'm going to think about how wonderful this day is, not only because I'm getting a break, but that I'm getting a break because of who I am. I am a Mom.

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