I know, it's not a video! I'll upload one as soon as we get one and when time allows. I love this shot of Mathilde though. It sort of sums up what they think of the world currently. "That's nice, but where is my food?" or perhaps, "My diaper is very wet, what's taking you so long?"
What I love most about the picture though is her rosebud lips. They both have this exact look and I love it!
So the girls visited the pediatrician this week. Dr Tremblay. He seemed a nice fellow and appeared to be really into his occupation. He told us that the french name for those smiles that new borns give you when they are sleeping are called "Angel Smiles". Ivan and I both enjoyed that very much. Although the girls aren't quite smiling spontaneously yet, you can tell that they are on the verge. They are holding our gaze much longer now and just starting to interact with us in little ways. Mostly though, they're still in the eating, pooping and sleeping stage, which is fine with me because they are little and helpless and totally adorable.
On the subject of little... Mathilde now weighs in at 8lbs 15oz. I won't say 9lbs just because that was with her diaper on and it was in its usual state of "full". Alexis is the slighter at 8lbs 5 oz. They are 1cm apart in length. Tilly again, just ahead of Lexi. As usual, the Dr marveld at how large our girls are. It is sort of funny to dress them in the mornings. Inevitably we'll pull an outfit out of the drawer in the morning and it's too small. Usually we can use Tilly as a gauge. If it's just too small for her, we have a day or two on Lexi before it has to go into the "return to Tanya" pile. Right now our Tilly has on a tight pink leisure suit which will be worn next by Lexi and then sadly be out of the rotation. It really does look funny on her though. (I'll try to get video of her in it today).
The girls are starting to hold their heads up for much longer periods now and staying awake longer too. They eat really well (I'm still nursing much to the shock of a few moms in the waiting room at the clinic. It can be done!) It all happens so fast!. We took them out to my eye appointment yesterday morning and in the afternoon we went to the mall to run some errands. They just sleep right through it. It's quite the experience going out though. Every grandmother within 3 miles can sense twins and come running! Ivan was constantly flocked by little old grey haired ladies who were beside themselves with "little angels!" and other french terms of endearment. It was actually pretty fun. We're going out again on Thursday!
Ivan is off now until Feb 6th. And I need him! We're planning on getting in some fun activities with the girls now that we're better at going out. Stay tuned! Take care.
1 comment:
Wow a month old already, I can't believe it. It's going by fast. Glad Ivan gets to be home with you until the 6th, I'm sure you'll be happy to have the help! We'll keep watching for the video! Thanks for the update!
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